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Giveaways by Justin Cooper (16)

Code Description Rounds Completed
(US/Eastern time)
inejfp Seth losers 8
wfxfvh Seth winners 8
yzafxo Greenwood actual main 10
dfbzmo Greenwood main 7
iageye Greenwood micro 9
ogicct Seth losers 11
vfswcr Seth winner 7
lqbemv Seth losers 10
xfsurz Seth winners 9
ttlawv Greenwood micro 8
mvwmkk Yeti 12
urznex Yeti food storage sp 7
wqyzht Greenwood twist 7
rsjjlb Shoe rack main 8
wigivv Shoe rack SP 12
wppilh Greenwood Sp 10

— Giveaways expire 1 month after they have been completed —