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Giveaways by Troy Pitts (14)

Code Description Rounds Completed
(US/Eastern time)
tijanf age x 2 6
vynuaz 2 x age 8
ziucex Buckets age 8
fmiggx B Rob age 7
lamznu RP age 8
mouhbh Stephen freebie 10
grrufw Stephen WC 12
ucggvr Joe D age 9
egitpr Neal IG88 SF 11
prxbma SF 2 x age 7
rnbcco SB 2 x kitkats 7
lvfjih Neal MOC Amanaman mini 1 9
yowpnc WK UKG lot mini 1 14
lvhuvt Larabee WC 8

— Giveaways expire 1 month after they have been completed —