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Giveaways by Christopher Blanton (387)

Code Description Rounds Completed
(US/Eastern time)
rriega Paul main 6
zbduxz Paul m 2 10
ykvnbm Paul micro 3 9
rdytep Paul h2h 5 7
fvumzq Paul h2h 2mini 7
eiuxmh Paul b.8 9
yladdp Paul h2h 4 7
zrtkzv Paul hth3 7
mcmcnr Paul m 1 8
upqzdw Paul micro 2 9
omovyu Paul hth3 7
phelcg Paul b7 10
vyxkcc Paul h2h 2 7
xxorxt Paul hth 7
igjlks Paul b 6 7
doeegp Paul micro 7
ybqmkt Paul b 5 10
posoep Justin b 4 8
frwlnw Paul b3 7
pinhyv Paul b 2 7
btbmec Justin main 10
obyfyj Paul b 1 8
xuixet Justin mini 3 10
bzppiu Justin b 5 10
uqxqog Justin b 4 7
uejlbx Justin b 3 11
albdzq Justin mini 2 5
ggvcaw Chris main 11
qgbnuh Justin hth 7 7
gvpces Justin b 2 5
mxwbpa Justin hth6 7
xwhsfz Justin hth5 7
lisrfc Justin m 1 11
coxygj Justin b 1 7
gulvpk Justin hth 4 7
nzabbf Chris mtc 6
xqlvyg Chris micro to close 11
hgmleh Chris b 35 8
vanclv Justin hth3 7
fzhiqo Justin h2h 2 7
kjfrlt Chris b 34 10
luyxzo Justin h2h 7
sdtvqr Chris micro 7 7
meralx Chris b 33 6
wxfvbt Chris b 32 10
nabswz Chris b 31 11
uhbpms Chris b 30 6
ovmeir Chris b 29 10
ebjpab Chris b 28 5
trzohy Chris b 27 10
jkkjut Chris b 26 9
ezkmvf Chris micro 6 8
fetkhe Chris b 25 8
nsjmxo Chris b 24 6
kspdtj Chris b 23 12
lbxsxj Chris b 22 5
gdbvry Chris b 21 9
rjwhlb Chris micro 5 7
fjhnhb Chris b 20 7
sgrdgv Chris b 19 10
igjcrd Chris b 18 10
grbmlk Chris b 17 9
uaqyhi Chris b 16 7
ivdagb Chris main 6
mpbbpm Chris m2 8
drjxyc Chris micro 6 7
qpvbmu Chris b 21 6
jwyuzs Chris b 20 9
jcnnma Chris b 19 10
aitome Chris b 18 9
xarmlm Chris b 17 9
rvyzif Chris micro 3 9
zgafrx Chris b 16 5
tibxsh Chris b 15 7
bjquwy Chris b 14 10
hfckeo Chris b 13 9
kaltqn Chris b12 6
cqmymu Chris mini 1 10
nuvegw Chris micro 2 9
tcxpkw Chris b 11 6
pdaton Chris b 10 12
nbpkxn Chris m 1 8
gdlqom Chris b 9 6
frdzty Chris micro 4 11
itokpy Chris b 15 5
yfvcsv Chris b 8 5
ofnggb Chris b 7 9
emyiqo Chris b 14 7
slvuza Chris b 13 9
macvyo Chris micro 8
xvffee Chris b 6 5
lkqmhu Chris b 5 7
bfhhso Chris b 4 6
ywvykt Chris b 3 10
wizmon Chris b 12 9
jyeyba Chris b 2 7
knzxhh Chris b 1 10
czizqq Chris micro 3 10
stsewd Chris b 11 7
cyqsdz Chris b 10 8
wwlwrq Chris b 9 8
oiazoy Chris b 8 8
amknbh Chris micro 2 9
uwokgi Chris b 7 6
hxzchq Justin main 6
oimvxs Justin m 2 7
cufolc Justin b 8 8
fedflw Justin b 7 5
cibrek Justin b 6 6
ofxdup Justin b 5 11
sajwbq Justin b 4 7
mhdufq Justin m 1 5
uctbuh Justin b3 6
ohvntk Justin b 2 10
khzqny Justin h2h 1 7
zyqbub Justin b 1 5
rqwpzo Paul main 11
trzdyw Paul m 2 5
becdbu Paul b 11 7
fersiw Paul h2h 7
lojmcz Paul b 10 12
xtpfri Paul b 9 7
icotem Paul b8 6
rzeuuc Paul b 7 5
syxuyd Paul m 1 12
wzqigd Paul b 6 5
zycabr Paul b 5 6
edcrth Paul b 4 5
thrkrq Paul b 3 6
vltify Paul b 2 9
umspnl Matt h2h 4 7
wkeiou Paul b 1 10
stbfoy Matt h2h 4 7
gtxdoz Matt h2h 3 7
eyzktm Matt h2h 2 7
sgisjd Matt h2h 7
tcyzem Chris micro 10
jocmzc Chris b 3 10
ergbtk Matt h2h 6 7
zdvpla Matth2h 5 7
ybrxzn Matt h2h4 7
drqmue Matt h2h3 7
dauwll Matt h2h 2 7
jodobd Matt h2h 7
udscvu Craig h2h best of 7 7
csvddw Matt h2h 2 7
pofmcy Matt h2h 7
abbznd Justin main 6
atpdyu Justin btc 6
pehxvj Justin b8 8
lugjfo Justin b7 7
bhqlae Justin b6 5
tzvqth Justin b 5 5
cnzbje Justin b4 9
fiqmug Justin b 3 12
bxkjvz Justin b2 12
utkuqj Justin b1 8
nzyqpk Colton h2h 7
tusrkc Justin main 8
adiokj Justin h2h 3 7
salnoz Justin b 6 8
qlhfoj Justin h2h 2 7
wywlya Justin b 5 7
vmcciy Justin h2h 7
tidims Justin b4 10
wbrrkx Justin b 3 8
kgjsdp Justin b 2 11
wwmepp Justin b 1 6
nrypbs Nolan main 7
iwyjbr Nolan btc 9
yotkcc Nolan b 3 6
oxvunv Nolan b 2 9
roarft Nolan b 1 5
onzlxq Matt Main 9
dtolaj Matt h2h 10 7
wrwagv Matt h2h 9 7
gnruyk Matt h2h 8 7
khsrbn Matt h2h 7 7
lhmzke Matt h2h 6 7
fkcgxu Matt h2h 5 7
hldkwc Matt h2h 4 7
aspbba Matt h2h 3 7
pouiwk Matt h2h 2 7
qomric Matt h2h 7
wzzcgd Dylan main 6
mzadhn Dylan Mtc 9
sbvaqn Dylan b 11 5
jmkojf Dylan b 10 9
bqyvpe Dylan b 9 10
oqpsaj Dylan b 8 7
uouzpd Dylan b 7 7
nmpbbt Dylan b 6 8
klhrpo Dylan m 1 8
jbhgkp Dylan b 5 5
lfaeqb Dylan b4 9
dynxye Jared b 44 6
rqtokf Dylan b 3 6
inmzyi Dylan b 2 5
bcsxvk Jared h2h 7
gvsgxk Dylan b 1 9
gddvlt Jared m 8
dgedjz Jared b 43 10
jdoyur Jared b 42 7
onuqod Jared h2h mini 7
lvefaa Jared b 41 5
neaxbg Jared b40 8
dipuwe Jared b 29 5
qarcqn Jared m 9 6
dsgeap Jared b28 11
nobybg Jared b 27 7
xfivts Jared b 26 5
jhllfz Jared b25 5
llyxyo Jared m 8 8
lxvsce Jared h2h 7
qtqctk Jared b24 5
aiwqwk Matt h2h 7
ugumwf Justin main 7
rhvnlm Justin b 12 9
xbuaty Justin m 4 7
emvuna Justin b 11 8
ranbxh Justin h2h 5 7
nivtdq Justin b 10 6
abtgev Justin h2h 4 7
xmjjea Justin h2h 3 7
nmqnlm Justin m 3 7
wyocti Justin b9 8
uctnyd Jusin b 8 10
gseuzo Justin b 7 8
hegblj Justin b6 12
tloulx Justin m2 5
rzvixg Justin b 5 6
gafldh Justin h2h 2 7
tpnamr Justin b 4 12
ailgmj Justin b3 8
aszgev Justin m 1 9
hkdtso Justin h2h 7
oiysrz Justin b 2 8
vhzjry Justin b1 7
jzmkry Dan main 7
kvlerf Dan btc 11
xjacau Dan b8 5
suzcyv Dan b7 10
vrtnlx Dan b6 6
zzfype Dan b5 11
bmfmza Dan b 4 8
tanncm Nick main 5
rglqvu Nick m 2 7
baydnc Nick btc 6
dqosee Nick b 12 7
ayrmvj Nick b 11 8
fbnvem Nick b 10 9
crmmms Nick b 9 5
hjdmry Nick b 8 7
nmvlon Nick mini 10
lqybhs Nick b 7 11
qsgtlm Nick b 6 10
iymaoo Nick b 5 7
aegfyb Nick b 4 7
arplrz Nick b 3 6
jvgpgs Dan b3 6
przjow Nick b2 11
mzyvzq Nick b 1 7
lwidjv Dan b2 8
onaynf Dan b1 9
xtskok Eric main 11
awfygw Eric Mtc 10
bjabet Eric btc 6
aidonh Eric b 15 9
spzdnh Eric b 14 6
iggskp Eric b13 10
cxhckc Eric m 4 6
sgifgc Eric b 12 7
jsqvqm Eric b11 5
hvtdzi Eric b 10 9
nhkjjd Eric m 3 12
vtwfvt Eric b9 5
mbnumu Eric b8 10
yezwgc Eric h2h 6 7
uaxvtz Eric b7 9
tdhjfm Eric m 2 11
upphff Eric h2h 6 7
jstoct Eric h2h 5 7
njnhzg Eric b 6 11
oyyxcb Eric h2h4 7
mphqsg Eric b 5 8
dbbcfa Eric b 4 7
kujdrg Eric m 1 7
npwuyo Eric b3 8
xmgcym Eric h2h 3 7
zhmqke Eric b 2 5
ejylpk Justin main 7
oggdng Eric h2h 2 7
afscms Eric h2h 7
ixpwqx Eric b 1 9
oizoal Justin b7 9
bwimql Justin b6 9
vnrcza Justin h2h 3 7
rfwxur Justin b 5 5
nnampo Justin b 4 8
ceghcb Justin b 3 10
ygepct Justin b 2 7
olctef Justin h2h 2 7
xoiaee Justin b 1 10
eoqocp Justin h2h 7
btvixe Nolan main 9
oumfsr Dylan main 9
npduqs Nolan btc 9
njprrx Nolan b 4 5
cpzlzq Dylan b3 6
uywofp Dylan h2h 6 7
dcipls Dylan h2h 5 7
gcgpts Nolan b3 9
bbpwrb Dylan h2h 4 7
fvpqsg Dylan b 2 9
ngtrry Dylan h2h3 7
ogtsba Nolan b 2 6
hleawd Dylan h2h 2 7
owxlve Nolan b 1 7
gpxspe Dylan h2h 7
zhhzqa Dylan b 1 5
vqxzis Matt h2h 7
fkdeej Will main 10
xphxhk Will mtc 7
hnhafb Will btc 11
hglrev Will fatal 8
lvqkla Will b 4 9
pxgufl Will h2h 5 7
skjoaw Will mini 8
yayyqd Will b 3 8
vnnqpo Will h2h 4 7
ogwdnt Will h2h 3 7
vkbman Will h2h 2 7
otdczm Dexter main 9
ddudsd Will h2h 7
ladaib Dexter btc 8
hcavww Will b2 10
norllz Will b 1 9
jaoode Dexter b 7 7
qovjud Dexter b 6 9
yphjlo Dexter b 5 5
gwwcsc Dexter b 4 5
ywstsm Dexter b 3 8
hkeehu Dexter b 2 11
yqwvph Dexter b 1 8
stieyn Ross main 9
wwzjmn Ross b8 5
npdptc Ross b 7 10
wftnmx Ross b6 6
xvmnvy Ross b 5 6
wqiybp Ross b 4 10
gedtcu Ross b 3 7
zjjdxk Ross b 2 11
sznlti Ross b 1 6
gnonna Nick main 7
cylbdf Nick btc 9
liiplc Nick b 7 7
rnvppt Nick b 6 6
pxwzyc Nick b 5 11
wlpohy Nick b 4 10
ubscha Nick b 3 9
dmnazv Nick b 2 8
fvkevq Nick b 1 5
walyim Josh draft order xfl 10 9
kaybye Josh xfl 10 conferences 8
yoggdd Nick main 8
mjozvb Nick b 7 11
psejon Nick b 6 8
vqkheg Nick. B 5 5
psbdgq Nick b 4 11
ftdaxd Nick b 3 8
tkiuvy Nick b 2 10
cggyrt Nick b 1 6
chvhmn Matt 3 7
bqranh Matt h2h 2 7
ijiivl Matt h2h 7
anbsrl Chris main 12
tvtapf Chris mtc 6
jdhxtk Chris b 16 5
ywdwmz Chris b 15 8
oxgqur Chris b 14 5
raygpr Chris b 13 8
exwpkc Chris b 12 9
yjgvvf Chris b 11 10
uzaepj Chris b 10 7
aikjfx Chris b 9 9
pepjvh Chris b 8 7
bpsmxn Chris m1 6

— Giveaways expire 1 month after they have been completed —