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Giveaways by Ivanyik Richárd (20)

Code Description Rounds Completed
(UTC time)
vcqswd Rechnitzer Boniface 5
venmwd Disztl UCC24 Blaster (razz 50) 9
xzoxpr Disztl UCC Blaster (razz 49) 4
afyqud Disztl UCC24 Blaster (razz 44) 4
ubssdy Disztl UCC24 Blaster (razz 43) 9
oobzlk Disztl UCC24 Blaster (razz 40) 7
npoebm Disztl UCC24 Blaster 8 (razz 39) 6
cdzses Disztl UCC24 Blaster 7 (razz 38) 8
hvaizv Disztl UCC24 Blaster 6 (razz 37) 10
ookfnx Disztl Bundesliga24 3 (razz36) 6
gfkwpt Disztl UCC24 Blaster 5 9
ttpmat Disztl UCC24 Blaster 4 6
jhucdg Disztl Bundesliga24 2 6
jeaogc Disztl UCC24 Blaster 3 7
macxdf Szentpétery Pedri 7
ktpmhk Disztl UCC24 Blaster 2 4
dvkduz Disztl Bundesliga 7
tkqhig Disztl UCC24 Blaster 4
usuokn Disztl Dzsudzsák 4
edevqt Disztl Dzsudzsák MINI 9

— Giveaways expire 1 month after they have been completed —