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Giveaways by Wesley Kelly (107)

Code Description Rounds Completed
(US/Eastern time)
wekqge M2 tattoo 7
bersrf Main choice 6
swtevx M2 choice slab 10
rrisil M1choice slab 7
dsndms Main Solar storm 8
oheuuq M2 solar storm 8
ljzpvm Main Kook 6
wdcbse M1 solar storm ase 7
etphyv M1 kook 6
wpioey Bunker 7
uflacw M1 Tattoo 7
irratj M1 9
tcdnkm 2oz scotty 6
yegwhp Main 5g 9
lwkrrs Main princess 7
gplwkq M1 5g 7
vgtzxy M1 princess 7
ztaorf Main 2006 quarters 10
cwrmpz M1 2006 quarters 7
npxxuy M1 choice Babes 6
pbqmsz F1 quarters 2006 7
equbtb 2oz egypt 7
vhphvp M1 2 oz egypt 7
rfstud 2020 kook 6
dclghl Main made mule carbine 8
xxadjx 2015 kooks no privy 9
hbwuiy M1 mad mule 2 7
rrgptn Batarang 7
vtiuff TMNT 11
xkvfhp Main mad mule 9
xwkskb Main quarters 70 7
zkpddn M1 quarters 70 7
zmfnot M1 mad mule 8
twgwsq Man Hunt 6
bhrkhk 2012 Kook 8
ultevv Main zombucks 8
uoixij M1 zombucks 10
vyexlr 69 quarters 9
wsrhxv 2015 kook perth 9
ezeyfi Main star wars 7
bgzwoz M1 star wars 9
sjclyj 1.5 oz 7
epzbht Main 5g scotty 7
lwvfhq F1 5g scotty 8
ziqiag M1 5g scotty 7
egccfc F1 Larry Lane 11
vcrvua OG mini 5g 6
noqizz Choice 1oz 12
yqocgb Dragon 6
ycwckp Main 1g CS 3 7
iaoccb M1 1g CS 3 6
thvemo Pamp 12
eytivw Main 1g CS 2 12
vquozs M1 CS 2 1g 6
hdibbs Poseidon 8
agahbo Main 1g CS1 10
iqwgzy M2 1g CS1 7
azqjhj Main anaconda 6
fzgtjv M1 1g CS1 6
mycrcz M1 anaconda 8
gchmuh Main 2oz 11
otiejp 2oz m1 9
nevwez Main 1g v 9
qzicui M1 1g v 10
vllgry Pew 9
cgpjkh Princess sheets 9
vdnswa Main 5g igr 9
vhtjhc M4 5g igr 8
dxyfbx M2 5g igr 10
hsicse Main python 8
whtnve M1 Python 8
gvrfbv M1 5g igr 6
ttfdjr Main 5g argor 8
xquhii M3 5g argor 9
iyjmzx M2 5g argor 6
gsrmpl 5g m1 9
zurdcx Main 6oz ASE 6
buzehp M2 6oz ASE 6
oxteyo M1 6oz ase 11
vwskdx X mas 6
bvjkzp Baby yoda 6
ctejbf 1oz Brit 2 8
gdrdpi 2019 ASE 6
zakudb Main beskar bars 6
ydpohp M1 beskar bars 8
kfflnx 2 buffs 7
tkbwqg Ase baggy 9
xhenwa Jeff 7
fstnqm Main gold Beskar 6
rrvund M1 gold beskar 9
ebzwhc Kangaroos 9
rmqnjj Main 1/10 8
kicuod M2 1/10 7
bmodum Brit 9
kakevi M1 1/10 7
kfbgcg Main Katana 9
nxxmns M1 katana 7
fceeza Rd 3 starwars 9
oqakvq Kruger 6
kezyot Star Wars rd 2 7
hgsbjk Main earth maul 8
pvkbof Mando choice 9
xhiqhn M1 earth Maul 7
kwjjmu 10oz fatal 8
kooyii Main wolvie 8
jzkdeh Main hawk tuah 8
nwdtcv M1 hawk Tuah 6

— Giveaways expire 1 month after they have been completed —