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Giveaways by Derek Dorotheo (160)

Code Description Rounds Completed
(US/Pacific time)
kkhcdk Yoshio 11
vlzzph Roc 6
jhfgsr Will 6
zdlkhv Roy 9
nhiwuc Yoshii 11
ilsryw Yue 8
xovsoj Yoshii 6
krjvdx Yoshii 6
kxhwhw Roc 6
glryzs Riley 7
eqtzku Yoshii 6
exzjhs Alex 7
dqcetr Yoshii 5
jkqrvz Tony 9
ftnoel Alex 11
cwrnro John 8
tazasp Yue 8
kaihrt Danny 6
azyovs Winter 9
wqqjkk Nadav main 12
twqfvm Nadav ftc 9
cftmym Nadav f3 5
dzjkkm Nadav f2 8
zkbspi Nadav f1 9
kwfqdz Will 8
spkswi Alex 10
xmgmjy Tyler 6
crvjfd Yoshii 7
rvrggb Tyler 10
qztjtt Ant 5
ctdmvy Tyler 11
uxeoeu Yoshii 8
wemjkn Clayman 7
ajdwhz Yoshii 11
vynpfw Tyler 8
ykprjw Danny 12
jkuqmi Alex 6
uugqvk Tyler 10
nglldq Leonard 8
xhlrok Billy 8
rmxhff Chong 7
lymtej Yoshii 5
nkqiff Ej 10
tzrqjp Bittman 7
uixbza Greg 9
bkbspo Greg 6
jutaok Ant bb 7
cfxjxa Gold 11
dannhe Cary 8
gmrusb Winter 9
xsihgt Greg 11
rxgbml Chong 5
qvotff Yoshii 8
jpiuop Chong 9
avtsfj Yoshii 8
rhlfpl Sam 3
ymblpc Winter 9
oppxqo Madrid 9
gscbri Yoshii main 7
cjnhnd Yoshii 8
cymjhn Yoshii 7
rdqvoo Chase 6
gshlkx Bittman 9
efjmjt Test 5
nernjy Bittman 6
eouinh Soul ape 10
omskif Soul ape 9
fyervp Yoursky 12
owcuqw Chong 10
yurjch Claymam 7
lqnhie Billy d 10
vwcsvh Bitt 6
gahljv Smitty 5
vuxyiv Yue 5
wvlgkm Alex 8
klsptm Bittman 7
lbkvxz EJ 10
encuao Tony 12
nfsbun Bittman 8
siikus Bittman 7
jzhhju Alex 6
niedkl Bittman 5
dehngp Alex 8
rittfo Bittman 7
ofesfp Winter 6
xpdlae West 8
ouwafg Chong 6
wshcch Alex 7
tylxhh Yoshii 6
wxyetq Winter 10
iabubd Weston 10
uxhmxa Yoshii 5
tcaews Chong 8
rctmwy Winter 7
wkcsjs Yoshii 8
slqiwc Chong 8
vwqxkh Winter 8
fkwzyg Yoshii 6
osumtv Yoshii 7
xnjdvj Roy 7
zomphd Eric 9
noboee Yue 10
sgtupd Yue 5
znforj Winter 5
ebyzxu Madrid 9
yxiueb Ej 9
tkaqle Winter 8
tdotxl Tyler 8
mwatcv Winter 10
wkicvl Winter 6
bhimea Daniel 11
ezwegq Yoshii 6
jmnrju Daniel 7
zrygzk Billy 7
rznsbd Winter 8
qmcnte Chase 5
fchzcs Yoshii 8
dlpiqf ej 6
kpgdxi Madrid 7
eouysd Nadav 7
ppychm Sam 8
znsrrt Ian 11
cfiszg Zere nadav 8
wgowbg Chef 12
kskipl Zere 10
ajurrm Alex 6
kxeapc Winter 6
clhsaq Nick 8
gkkhez Ej 8
nmbnkg Ryan 7
nsrser Nick 8
zzpitz Alex 12
fwerff Ryan 10
tjrggd Winter 7
lblbst Alex 7
nltqbw Yoshii 7
pveujt EJ 6
zgpddp Ryan 9
ylizsz Chef 8
czdnlq Yoshii 9
jzeldj Yoshii 7
ztkmcu Nick 9
xrsesm Dd 7
btodxj ARoy 8
dqrpfp Winter 8
mtzjle Ej 6
rrpsas Alex 9
dfglcs Leonard 5
zsfzda Winter 5
fcmjmu Dd 7
vixnnd Ryan f1 8
eltpql Yoshii 10
ooajil Yoshii 5
vsnxit Yoshii 8
ywejgr Raymond 8
auajlq Winter 12
ruelsk Alex 7
sojbzg Tyler 7
oskczd Ryan 7
ntmnaf Ryan 10

— Giveaways expire 1 month after they have been completed —